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Fun Diving in Gili Island

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IDR 590,000 - IDR 2,360,000

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Fun Diving in Gili Island:Enjoy the Sublimity with No Worry


Fun Diving in Gili Island activities recently have more and more enthusiasts. Not without reason,the underwater area here does offer priceless views.

However,diving is not for just anyone. Those with not-enough capability may get into trouble. 

Especially if you do not understand the terrain yet,professional help will be a critical point.

Therefore,if you plan to dive into the sublimity of Gili Trawangan with no worries,first study this review thoroughly.


What to Know About Fun Diving


Diving is a fun activity and an alternative to an anti-monotonous vacation. But for beginners,there are many things you need to understand before hitting underwater.

Not only exploring an aquatic garden,but underwater diving also consists of several types,ranging from snorkeling to more complicated activities that require special skills.

To make it simple,here are some points you should understand about fun diving,compared to the other types of sea swimming:

  • It is a SCUBA-related activity that requires an advanced-level swimming skills,as evidenced by at least a PADI Open Water license.
  • Fun divers should go with complete diving equipment,such as fins,air tubes,diving goggles,and other international-standard things.
  • Even though they use complete equipment,divers must have adequate flight hours to read underwater situations. 
  • In addition,the duration under water is longer,making it inappropriate as beginner stuff.
  • The term fun diving itself seems to refer to fun activities in the depths of the sea. Further down,you will see a much more distinct world to the mainland.
  • In contrast to snorkeling which can only reach a depth of 1-3 meters,fun divers can go down to tens of meters underwater and witness the beauty of marine life.

Based on those points,you can see that fun diving needs preparation and advanced skill. Never try it by yourself If you have no license or experience.


Facts about Gili Islands


As the name suggests,fun diving should be an activity that refreshes you to enjoy the view. Therefore,you have to choose a location that offers paradise-like beauty.

In this case,the beauty of Gili Trawangan has been famous worldwide. This area is one of the Gili islands in northwest Lombok,Indonesia.

But what rationales make you should go to enjoy Gili Trawangan sublimity? Here are some reviews:

  • Under the sea,fun divers will see beautiful biota,including a sea turtle parade that swims freely with humans.
  • Besides turtles,you will also feel the sensation of swimming with sharks and other exotic animals without feeling threatened.
  • This location is relatively safe to visit.
  • It has rich and natural marine life.
  • You will not find a motorized vehicle in the Gili area. Instead,the transportation here uses a kind of cart called Cidomo.
  • The air is still very natural and fresh. There is no pollution from motorized vehicles.
  • Many dive centers will be ready to provide all your diving needs,including training for beginners.
  • Efficiently,you can choose a bundling lodging package and other exciting activities.

Because of its beauty,many foreign tourists come to enjoy the Lombok atmosphere or come for fun diving. 

No wonder you will see more foreigners than locals.


Fun Diving with Trawangan Stingray Divers


As mentioned above,fun diving is not a safe activity to do without preparation. You must have adequate equipment and skills to stay safe while underwater.

Fortunately,currently,divers are greatly helped by the presence of dive centers,including those in the Gili area. One of them is Trawangan Stingray Divers.

This dive center will provide complete assistance for those who want to enjoy diving without worry. 

You not only get beneficial information but also get escorted to ensure everything goes safely.

The following are some of the advantages of entrusting a diving experience to Trawangan Stingray Divers:

  • Complete information about the best spots,terrain conditions,to tips during fun diving.
  • Adequate diving equipment.
  • Professional supervision.
  • Assistance during diving
  • Licensing courses to be able to do diving.
  • Competitive cost
  • Enjoy diving without the hassle.
  • Security is guaranteed during the diving.

Entrusting diving activities to experts is a wise and safe choice to avoid various risks,chiefly for beginners. 

So please take the best party to guide you.


Fun Divers License

Diving is not a trivial activity,and one must have sufficient qualifications. One proof is in the form of a license.

To do this activity,you must have at least PADI Open Water. In addition,several other licenses are also valid. Here is the order:

  • PADI (Professional Associations of Diving Instructors) based in America
  • SSI (Scuba Schools International) from America,
  • NAUI (National Association of Underwater Instructors) from America,
  • ADS-I (Association of Diving School International) based in Japan,
  • RAID (Rebreather Association of International Divers) from Sweden.
  • POSSI (Indonesian Diving Association) is a member of the CMAS diving federation (Confédération Mondiale des Activités Subaquatiques) based in Rome-Italy.


How to Get a License?

If you have one or more of the above licenses,you already have permission to go underwater. 

To get a license,you must go through a qualification examination to exemplify your underwater skill. 

If you cannot,you will need to take an eligibility course.

You can also take a course with Trawangan Stingray Divers. Professional and expert instructors will help you achieve qualifications according to standards.

In the course program,divers will receive standard PADI training. If you have completed the learning,you can get a certificate according to the following requirements:

  • Be at least 10 years old.
  • Physically and mentally healthy.
  • Have a swimming base.
  • Have completed the course well according to the qualifications.

Exploring the sublimity of Gili Trawangan indeed needs some process before you get the license.

But believe me that your persistence will reward you with paradise.


Price Information

The prices are estimates and are subject to change due to circumstances. For more details about Trawangan dive price information,see the plan &pricing here 👈.


Fun Diving Spots in Gili Trawangan

After all the fun diving preparations are ready,another thing you need to know is the best location to explore. 

The following are some of the most popular spots for beauty:


1. Sunset Reef

Located on the South-West of Gili Trawangan,Sunset Reef has large coral fields,consisting of soft and hard corals. It features a gradually sloping reef,which is perfect for divers of all levels,and it is home to many marine animals such as Hawksbills Sharks,Snappers etc. Manta Rays often visit Sunset Reef too,so if you wanna see it,then you come to the perfect place.


2. Shark Point

It is one of the popular sites at Gili Trawangan due to its uniquely-shaped topography area which is attractive to wide varieties of marine animals (e.g. Reef Sharks,Stingrays and Green Turtles). Moreover,some schools of fish can be seen swimming in spirals in the ocean.


3. Biorock

Situated along the East shoreline of Gili Trawangan,this dive site was built in 2004 and currently,it is the second largest Biorock site in the world. It uses technology which uses low voltage currents to pass through steel structure to stimulate the growth of Limestone. Why limestone? Because it is the best material for the growth of hard coral. Now for the next question,is it safe then? Yes,it is safe for marine life and safe for humans to dive in this site. In fact,all divers of all levels can access this site due to its low current and here,you can see various fishes too such as Cowfish,Pipefish,Bannerfish,and Crocodile Fish.


4. Basket Coral

Having a big and beautiful site,Basket Coral features a gentle dive which is great for drive dive and night dive. In this site,there are a variety of channels landscape and Biorocks too which is home to diverse marine life. Among them are Groupers,Trumpet Fish,Beaded Scorpion Fish and sometimes too,Eagle Rays,Mantas or Reef Sharks.


5. Halik

Another suitable dive site for you with diverse diving level,this site is located on the North-West of Gili Trawangan. It has low to medium current,which is perfect for drift drive. With a depth of 6 to 40 meters,reefs filled with barrel sponges and gorgonian sea fans,coral ridges and canyons,this site will be enjoyable to explore,especially if you are experienced divers.


6. Shallow Turbo

A dive site that is located on the North-East of Gili Trawangan,it is the shallow end of Deep Turbo dive site. It features a sandy bottom with magnificent coral heads where divers can see various species of marine invertebrates. Some marine animals that are commonly seen here are Pufferfish,Batfish,Sea Turtles,Garden Eels,Ghost Pipefish and Unicorn Fish. Moreover,Shallow Turbo has a depth of around 18 meters (60 feet) with water temperature around 27℃ to 30 ℃ (80℉ to 86℉). Usually around March – October,the weather is the most reliable,so to all of you divers,come and dive at this site!


7. Deep Turbo

What does it feel like to fly through space? Is it even relevant to diving sites? Well,at Deep Turbo,there are coral pinnacles of massive structure growing from the sandy bottom,therefore you will be able to experience what it feels like to fly through space while looking down on the moon. In addition to that,Deep Turbo is recommended especially for experienced divers and Nitrox dives. Why? Because this dive site has strong currents and with an average depth of around 30 meters,so you can extend your bottom time which is optimal for Nitrox. And while you are diving in this spot,you will have a chance to see rich marine life such as giant sea fans,soft corals,schools of Batfishes,Sea Turtles,Garden Eels and Butterfly Fish. To conclude,Gili Trawangan offers many beautiful and fun dive sites for all levels. From Sunset Reef,Biorock,Halik to Deep Turbo. Each site has a unique landscape,fishes,corals and varying current levels. Don’t be afraid to explore all of these dive sites and remember,bring your cameras with you too so that you can capture your memorable moments while diving.


Those are some spots that you can choose according to your ability level. Under the sea,you can bring a special camera to capture memories.


Beware of Possible Dangers

There are a lot of fun things to do while scuba diving. But although it looks fun,this activity is also not without risk,such as:

  • Water cold/freezing temperature is the root of deadly hypothermia.
  • Threat of decompression from inhaling too much nitrogen from the air cylinder.
  • At depths of more than 41 meters,nitrogen and oxygen from the canister can have a toxic effect.
  • Cramps while scuba diving.
  • High water pressure at depth can be dangerous for divers.
  • Possibility of wild animals in the sea.
  • The appearance of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) due to underwater pressure.
  • Eddies under water can be fatal distress.
  • Divers with headaches may experience vertigo underwater.


Tips for Safe Fun Diving

The above risks can be fatal. Thus,this activity is for professionals only or those under the supervision of an expert. 

However,you can do the following tips to minimize the risk.

  • Diving alone is not advisable. Please do it with at least one ‘sober and qualified’ diver buddy.
  • Do not swim when you have a cold,headache,fever,or problems with your nose and ears.
  • Inspect your equipment before going to ensure it is in good condition.
  • Before diving,you should understand what living things are there to prevent interactions with harmful or toxic organisms.
  • Stay sober and don’t’ dive into drugs or alcohol
  • Respiratory management is key. Avoid holding your breath as you swim to prevent earache.
  • Avoid areas with high air pressure.
  • Always follow the instructions

Those are some things to know and pay attention to when doing fun diving. Given the high risk,this activity is more suitable for experienced people. So,please be wise and careful!

Frequently asked questions

To go to Gili Trawangan,you can go through Bali or Lombok. If you depart from Bali,then you can take a fast boat from Padangbai Harbor for a 1.5 hour journey and will immediately get off at Gili Trawangan. If you want to travel cheaply,then you can take a ferry from Padangbai Harbor to Lembar Harbor on Lombok Island for 4 hours where to go to Gili Trawangan,you have to go to Bangsal Harbor first.

The second way is via Lombok Island where you can use the air route and enter via Lombok International Airport. From the airport,you have to travel to Bangsal Harbor or Nara Bay. You can also go to Senggigi using a fast boat from Bali.

Most tourists actually prefer to travel through Nara Bay. The reason is,the car park to the speedboat area is very close. Meanwhile,from Bangsal Harbor,you have to walk first or use cidomo to get to the pier.

Well,from Nara Bay,you can rent a speedboat with varying prices (based on the minimum number of passengers). Actually the easier way is to use a tour package for Gili Island trips because later you will get a transportation service so you don’t have to be confused about how to get to Gili Trawangan island. Usually,hotels or inns on the island can also facilitate visitor pick-up and transportation services to get to Gili Trawangan.

If we talk about Gili Island,of course,the beaches on Gili Trawangan you shouldn’t miss. Enjoy the clean white sand and clear sea water while sitting in the beachfront huts or swimming. To be able to enjoy the beautiful sunset and sunrise,it is recommended that you take a vacation there during the dry season. When swimming on Gili Trawangan,you also have to make sure that you do not swim on the border between Gili Trawangan and other Gili Islands because the water currents on the border of the Gili islands are quite dangerous.

You should also try diving and snorkeling while on Gili Trawangan. The reason is,the marine life on this island is indeed very diverse and different from the sea views on other islands,so you shouldn’t miss this experience. You can rent a boat yourself or join other visitors which are usually provided if you use Gili Island tour packages.

Of course the cost of renting a boat itself will be more expensive when compared to renting a boat in groups. Well,if you are already proficient in diving and snorkeling or already have a license,then you can join a diving center on the island. However,if you are a beginner or it’s your first time diving or snorkeling,you can join a short two-hour diving training. There,you will also receive theoretical and practical directions on the same day.

You can also watch Stick Fighting or Presean shows. It is a traditional ritual of the Sasak Tribe which is the original tribe of the island of Lombok. There is a procession where there are two men who fight using rattan sticks and are equipped with buffalo skin shields. The event is held to ask for rain and is always held at Gili Trawangan Art Market during the seventh month of the local calendar.

In addition,you can also visit the turtle hatchery. The turtles are indeed hatched in captivity and will then be released in the sea off Gili Trawangan. The procession of releasing the baby turtles also uses certain rituals which are certainly very interesting to watch.

You can also feel the experience of watching them together on the beach. There is a free widescreen that you can enjoy watching certain movies that are playing there. You can buy food and drinks there and enjoy the experience of watching together with other visitors.

You can pre-book your dive trip or dive course program. We will ask all participants to come in person to the dive center the day before as soon as possible to confirm their booking. We will fill the forms and size you up to prepare in advance your equipment,and we will explain to you the program of the next day. We will give you also all the teaching material you need → Book now

Fun Diving in Gili Island
Plan & Pricing

Fun Dive


per person
  • 1 dive
  • Max. 4 persons
  • Price included:breakfast,lunch,coffee or tea,mineral water,towel,boat and full-set dive equipments
  • Get Special Discount:
    Own equipment (-5%)
    Divemaster or Instructor (-5%)

3 dives package


  • 3 dives
  • Max. 4 persons
  • Price included:breakfast,lunch,coffee or tea,mineral water,towel,boat and full-set dive equipments

4 dives package


  • 4 dives
  • Max. 4 persons
  • Price included:breakfast,lunch,coffee or tea,mineral water,towel,boat and full-set dive equipments

How to continue on diving?

If you are interested in becoming a certified diver,we recommend that you take the PADI Open Water course. This certification will allow you to dive anywhere in the world in a buddy system up to a maximum depth of 18 meters.

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