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Dive Sites at Gili Air For All Levels


1. Air Wall

It has a maximum depth of up to 30 meters,with a steep wall extending from 10 meters down to 24 meters and running parallel to the beach on the southwest side of Gili Air. A fantastic macro photography dive site features the Gorgonian SeaFans,and divers can find gardens of soft coral and coral reefs frequented by sea turtles,as well as a variety of tropical fish,including anemone fish,triggerfish,angelfish,and butterfly fish. Strong currents are often present at this dive site,making it an ideal location for drift diving.

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2. Secret Reef

Located between Gili Meno and Gili Air,Secret Reef is a drift dive and part of the Coral Garden dive. has a maximum depth of 30 meters and a shallowest depth of 12 meters. There are many corals that can be encountered,such as:whip coral,lots of Acropora,all of which are in good condition,and the ubiquitous tubular sponge with a very bright color. Here we find an extraordinary diversity of fish among the corals.

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3. Hans reef

Has a maximum depth of 25 meters and is suitable for divers taking both open-water and advanced courses as it provides the perfect sand bottom training area in an area with close access to the reef. There is a large barrel sponge,which the Green Turtle often uses as a gentle resting place. This is a suitable place for macro-dive lovers because here there are frogfish,nudibranchs,octopus,and cuttlefish. Hans Reef is also perfect for night dives,where divers can hunt for Bobtail Squid,Dwarf Cuttlefish,Reef Squid,Coconut Octopus,Sponge Crab,and Sea Slugs,among other mysterious nocturnal creatures.

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4. Air Slope

Located to the east of Gili Air with a maximum depth of 25 meters,good currents are suitable for drift dives. At a depth of 12 meters,you will be presented with beautiful coral. The Air Slope is also a great place to hunt elusive juvenile fish,including sweetlips,boxfish,rock mover wrasse,and angelfish. The journey to the location is approximately 15 minutes from the dive center.

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